What’s in a name?That which we call a roseBy any other nameWould smell as sweet William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet There was a time when only physicians and medical students knew the name “Crohn.’” Even if you are only… Continue Reading →
December 16, 2020 In 1970, 50 years ago, we lived in Beaufort, South Carolina. As noted in a blog post a few weeks ago (https://stephenageller.com/2020/10/12/on-listening-to-chopins-g-minor-ballade/), the city of Beaufort in North Carolina is pronounced in the French manner as… Continue Reading →
I love my watch When I was in college I had an inexpensive Timex watch with a Speidel expanding watch band. I am right-handed so, in keeping with accepted styles, I wore it on my left wrist. In those days,… Continue Reading →
The name of the 19th century composer Frédéric Chopin is widely known. His compositions are frequently played on classical music stations, such as WQXR in New York and KUSC in Los Angeles, both of which can be listened to on… Continue Reading →
Where do writers get the ideas for their stories? From life experiences, of course, as well as family histories. News reports and past history, either the writer’s or someone else’s, are common sources. Sometimes a writer will adapt an older… Continue Reading →
Ben Greene is the protagonist of my still-in-progress third novel. He is a senior pathologist (not a surprise …) and former chairman at a large academic hospital pathology department. Soon after his successor as chairman, Alden Morrison, arrives in the… Continue Reading →
from the John Boorman film, “Excalibur” Few stories are better known in the Western world than that of King Arthur. In a previous blog post we commented, in some detail, on that legend (1). Who has not heard of… Continue Reading →
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